Formed in 1800 as the “Experimental Corps of Riflemen”, the 95th Rifles won immortality during the Napoleonic Wars with the Duke of Wellington in Iberian Peninsular and at the Battle of Waterloo.  Unlike most of the British infantry of the period, the 95th were armed with the 1803 Pattern British Infantry Rifle, commonly known today as the Baker Rifle. Shorter than the line infantry’s Brown Bess musket, the Baker required a long flat bladed sword bayonet to have the same reach in action, thus from this time the rifle regiments have called their bayonet a sword.Using the manuals of the time, the Rifles carry out sword fencing exercises as practised by the British riflemen before and during the Great War.

Our members have an extensive range of equipment copied from original items used in the Great War, and carry out exercises to illustrate the army’s methods 
